International conventions on conservation aimed at national commitments in conserving natural resources and the phenomenal growth of the private sector game industry have resulted in increases in areas under wildlife management.
Preservation of wildlife resources has evolved morally and ethically to conservation in which sustainable consumptive use and benefit sharing with local communities are cornerstones. This necessitates a paradigm shift in game reserve management.
The change from crop and stock farming to game is socio-economic involving the conversion of areas of marginal land. The demise of agricultural subsidies and removal of much of the protection from foreign agricultural competition necessitated a change. Game farming has provided an alternative.
Both public and private sector changes have brought opportunities and threats, which require the application of sound wildlife management principles.
Zingela Consulting offers services in wildlife management to deal effectively with these issues.
Zingela Consulting is headed by Michael Zingel and draws expertise from associates in all aspects of wildlife management. Each project is evaluated in terms of human resources available from the client and those available in Zingela’s network of associates.
Michael Zingel has the academic background of Agriculture, with genetics as the major focus and wildlife management with habitat and socio-economic issues as the prime areas of research. He has been active in the seed industry both as managing director of a leading seed company and as a prime mover in the establishment of the organised South African seed trade. Pasture and veld management and the application of seed related solutions are his enduring passions.
He is engaged in on-going research into methods of vegetation analysis. Analysis opens the way for construction of models for management of both livestock and game.
Zingela Consulting models are based on vegetation analysis, past climatic events and various future scenarios and interventions such as fire.